Truly Kenya

Truly Kenya

Truly KEnya

Kenya has been on a 2.5 year journey of FINALLY starting a podcast! She is currently going through a divorce and navigating being newly single. Kenya has a unique sarcastic and humorous outlook on life. You can expect unfiltered unapologetic conversations on her personal life, relationships, sex, and kids. Although you won’t solve any world issues listening to this show, you are guaranteed a good time. Kenya enjoys nothing more than giving her 2 cents on life advice to strangers, so ask Kenya anything! She is talking to guests ranging anywhere from pop culture, entrepreneurs, alternative life styles, reality tv, authors, basically anyone she finds interesting and of course she is asking all the questions, we really want to know the answers to – in a way only she can do it!

house flipper
your internet bff


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    Kenya Duke: a Successful Entrepreneur & TV Personality

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